Our Roadmap 2022 is here 🚀

Hello everyone!

The January was particularly exciting!! As promised, I will share with you what I cooking for you this year 😋.

Let's start by what happened it January:

I released 04 blog posts:

I was the guest of a Twitter Spaces organized by James Q Quick from PlanetScale where I shared my experience about using PlanetScale a on personal projects and how it improved my productivity.

You can find the replay here: PlanetScale Chats

The Roadmap 2022

Blog posts:

I will continue to release one article per week, and I will send you an email every two weeks along with a helpful code trick.

Blog series:

I'm preparing a blog series on four topics:

  • Testing a Node.js Application
  • Testing a Spring Boot Application
  • Build a CI/CD Pipeline with Jenkins
  • Build a CI/CD Pipeline with GitHub Actions

Each topic will have 07 posts released throughout a week at the step of one post per day. You will receive an email with all the 07 posts to not be spammed.

A Web course:

I will release a course about building a complete Backend Web application with Node.js; we will go from the idea to the deployment in production and the monitoring, logging, etc.

Later, you will have more information about this project like: what will the format be? What is the tech stack? The table contents, etc...

In order to build a course that will be helpful for you, I will like to have your feedback 🙏

A side project:

I will work on a tool to share code snippets and easily embed them on the webpage, this project will solve a problem I currently have on the blog, and I think it will be helpful for others so, I will build it public, and it will be open source. Think of it as a GitHub Gist but with folder creation, code search and live execution. You will learn more about it later in the upcoming newsletter.

As you can see, you will not get bored with me this year 😆, and I can't wait to achieve all these goals with you.

Please, share the newsletter around you if you know people who might be interested 🙏

Follow me on Twitter to get updates about my journey.

See you next time 😉

Teco Tutorials

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Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

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