Articles published on February and March + First blog post series is coming 🔥

Hello everyone!

First, I want to apologize for not sending the February articles summary. I was busy with personal problems, and now I'm calmer.

I will recap the articles I wrote in February and March in this issue.

Articles published in February

Articles published in March

The first article of April will be published this evening at 8:00 PM UTC, and it is about
Building a One-time password in Node.js using Twilio SMS API and Redis.

The first blog post series is loading

In my previous issue, I shared the 2022 Roadmap and discussed the topic I will write post series on.

The first one will be Testing a Node.js Application and will be released at the end of this month, so don't forget to set the Alarm.

In two weeks, I will send an email detailing each blog post and how I will manage the distribution.

Blog statistics

The blog continues to grow, and I am humbled by what is happening. Here are some statistics.

  • Monthly views: 14,000
  • Daily views: ~800 from Monday to Friday and ~300 the week-end
  • Monthly Unique visitors: 3,400
  • Newsletter subscribers: 76
  • All time views: 108,000 on 31 March 2022

The last statistic is the most incredible because it took one year to reach 50,000 but only three months to add 50,000 more. I'm happy to see people finding my content, and I hope they are helpful to them.

I also want to thank people who are sharing my newsletter and my post on social media. I'm grateful!

Content suggestion

I write blog posts on topics I struggled with in my earlier career and, I still have many topics in my backlog. These topics are Backend focused because I spent most of my time there.

To all of you in this newsletter, making sure you get value from this newsletter is very important to me so, I want to let you know that if you have a topic you want to cover, you can let me know by replying to this email or drop an email anytime at

Thank you again.

Please, share the newsletter around you if you know people who might be interested 🙏

Follow me on Twitter to get updates about my journey.

See you next time 😉

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Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Hello everyone! It's been a while! I hope you are doing well; many things happened from my side, and I continue to publish content. Articles published in April Build a One-time Password in Node.js using Twilio SMS API and Redis Build a newsletter form subscription using React and the ConvertKit API Create a Spring Boot project from IntelliJ Build a Web application with Spring Boot and Tailwind CSS Articles published in May Deploy a Spring Boot application JAR file with Nginx reverse proxy...

Hello everyone! The January was particularly exciting!! As promised, I will share with you what I cooking for you this year 😋. Let's start by what happened it January: I released 04 blog posts: Grammarly: The professional tool writers need. Discover PlanetScale: The MySQL serverless database Using PlanetScale and TypeORM to build a Node.js REST API Understand the shadow database feature of Prisma ORM I was the guest of a Twitter Spaces organized by James Q Quick from PlanetScale where I...

Happy New Year to you all 🥳 I started my blogging journey at the beginning of 2021 with the primary goal of helping people by sharing my knowledge about the Backend development. To validate the project, I set a goal of 10,000 views at the end of 2021. Here are my blog stats at the end of the year 36 blog posts written 37,000 unique visitors around the world 53,000 views 51,000 sessions 53 subscribers to my newsletter As you can see, the blog started to take off in August 2021. At the moment...